Social Square for Muskelsvindfonden

Group project carried out when I was on the programme Digital Concept Development.

Social Square is an interactive installation that festival goers have the opportunity to interact with by sending images that become visible on a series of square boxes that can also be used as seating.

The festival guests at Grøn submit the photos through a QR code on a sign, which leads them to a landing page on their mobile, where they can easily upload a photograph that describes how they experience the community at Grøn.

We analysed the current situation on ‘Grøn’ through data we got from Muskelsvindfonden and a number of qualitative user interviews we made.

The idea for the concept was developed by using the design methos GV Sprint.


Muskelsvindfonden came to us with a task to optimize their services at the music caravan/festival ‘Grøn’. We had to make the festival goers experience of room, waiting times and convenience better.

Methods and insights

In this project we analysed the current situation on ‘Grøn’ through a number of qualitative user interviews and we made a Google Venture Design Sprint (the sprint is a five-day process for answering critical business questions through design, prototyping, and testing ideas).

Among other insights we got two important insights that we used: 1) We had to make a solution that involves the festival guest in the sensory aspects and gets the guests moving on the festival site. 2) There was a lack of seating on the festival site.

Concept description

Our way to optimize ‘Grøn’ is a concept called Social SquareSocial Square is an interactive installation consisting of stationary square boxes built into different plateaus that guests can use to sit on. The guest can interact with the installation by uploading a selfie or group photo using a QR code. The guest thus becomes part of the installation.

The images that the guests upload will abound on the boxes in the areas where the installations are located, thus creating an installation that enhances the experience of community in the square.

The goal of the concept is to solve the pains from the user insights about the lack of seating and lack of experiences in the square.

With the installation Social Square, the aim is to strengthen the sense of community and the Muskelsvindfonden’s vision of making diversity visible.